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«June 2014»

Turning the tables - getting your parents to take your advice

Do you find that the older you get, the harder it is to get your parents to listen to you?  Ironic, right?  Years ago, they thought the same thing about you! These days, you have...
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Let’s be clear – cataracts are highly treatable

Has your world gradually gotten a little cloudier (even on a sunny day)?  Is your vision getting more blurry – even with your glasses?  If the answer to either of these...
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Turning the tables - getting your parents to take your advice

  • 26 June 2014
  • Author: Anonym
  • Number of views: 2513
Turning the tables - getting your parents to take your advice
Do you find that the older you get, the harder it is to get your parents to listen to you?  Ironic, right?  Years ago, they thought the same thing about you! These days, you have so many topics – many of them sensitive – that you really need to discuss with them. Just a few might be: current finances, wills and estate planning, health care directives, and that really big one:  How much longer will it be safe to drive a car? Conversations like these tend to be awkward, in part, because of the role reversal – you want the parents who insisted you listen to them to now listen to you.  And they – who have likely been independent their whole lives –  may feel a serious threat to that independence. One key, of course, is to start having these conversations before an emergency forces a sudden decisions.  Here are a few tips to that might help.